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Warning, Suspension and Dismissal

"Student" is defined as anyone who is enrolled in a program or has paid tuition for a program at Canadian Aviation College.

“Dismissal” is described as the process whereby CAC provides written notice advising a student enrolled in an approved program of instruction that the student is dismissed (terminated) from the program and can no longer enroll in the program for at least 2 years after the termination date.

Code of Conduct

Canadian Aviation College (CAC) offers all students, staff and visitors a safe environment for education, where respect, tolerance and understanding of all individuals is mandatory. With that in mind, CAC expects students to meet and adhere to the code of conduct set out below while completing their program of study. Students who fail to abide by the code of conduct set out below, may be dismissed and this policy outlines the process. All students shall:

A. Act consistently with the values of CAC, the community, and obey all federal, provincial and municipal laws;

B. Exercise individuality and freedom, but do so in a manner that promotes integrity, respect, and equality of all other individuals;

C. Refrain from any action or inaction that threatens or endangers personal health, well-being, safety and dignity; as well as that of other individuals;

D. Refrain from Academic misconduct. Academic misconduct is the failure to be honest, fair, and responsible in scholarly and practical work such as plagiarism, cheating, falsification, fabrication or unauthorized modification of an academic document/record, resubmission of work, improper research practices, aiding and abetting, or obstructing the academic or training activities of another;

E. Attend CAC in accordance with the Attendance Policy:
    a. Complete all assignments and examinations as scheduled.
    b. Participate and be active in all training sessions.

F. Inform CAC if there are any contact changes or name changes. Any missed communication due misunderstanding cannot be imputed to the school;

G. Treat all students and staff respectfully;

H. Treat all company assets and property with care;

I. Observe and obey all health and safety procedures outlined for airplanes, flight training devices, classrooms, laboratories, field trips and practicums.

J. Refrain from unauthorized use of the CAC brand as well as the CAC name, assets, or property:
    a. Refrain from unauthorized posting on the internet.
    b. Refrain from unauthorized sharing offline - digitally or in print.
    c. CAC does not actively monitor student’s online presence but if any unauthorized content is discovered CAC retains the right to investigate on a case by case basis and any severe cases may lead to dismissal.

The following section describes the reporting process and the steps CAC takes to investigate student misconduct or failure to abide by the code of conduct outlined above:

A. All concerns relating to student misconduct are to be directed to the Office Administrator. Concerns may be brought by staff, students or the public. In the absence of the Office Administrator, concerns may be reported to the CFI/SEA directly - who will delegate the investigation to another suitable employee.

B. Once a complaint is received, the student involved may be immediately suspended from training pending investigation if the Office Administrator deems that the severity warrants suspension. This suspension may be enforced via a phone call or email to the student and the student’s primary instructor will also to be informed.

C. Within 7 days of receiving a complaint, the Administrator will investigate, arrange and chair a resolution meeting to discuss and attempt to resolve the concern(s). The members of the meeting are as follows:
    a. The Administrator;
    b. The Student;

    c. An institution witness such as a Flight Instructor and;
    d. A Witness of the student (if the student so chooses) such as a family member or a close friend.

D. If the student attends the resolution meeting and the outcome is favorable (i.e. Student did not violate the code of conduct, or student violated the code of conduct, but the impact is minor, manageable, and the student is remorseful), a written summary of the investigation and outcome shall be recorded and retained on the students file.

E. If the student fails to attend the resolution meeting or the outcome is not favorable (i.e. Student has clearly violated the code of conduct with no remorse), the Office Administrator shall escalate the investigation process by forwarding the case to the CFI/SEA (in writing) - with a recommendation as to whether the student should be either retained with a warning, or suspended, or dismissed.

F. If the recommendation is to issue a warning, the CFI/SEA will review the investigation report sheet, authorize the warning letter, and discuss an acceptable means to counsel and support the student to prevent reoccurrence. A copy shall be retained on the students file.

G. If the recommendation is for suspension or dismissal, the CFI/SEA will investigate and schedule a final meeting with the student within 14 business days to provide the student with an outcome:
    a. If the outcome is suspension, the CFI/SEA will authorize the suspension letter which will outline the reason, duration, and an acceptable means to reinstate the student into the training program. A copy shall be retained on the students file.
    b. If the outcome is dismissal, the CFI/SEA will authorize the dismissal letter which will outline the reason for dismissal. A copy shall be retained on the students file.

        i. If a student is dismissed, a calculation of refund due or tuition owing, depending on the status of the student’s financial account with the College and in accordance with the CAC Tuition Refund Policy.

        ii. If a refund is due to the student, the Accountant will ensure that a cheque is forwarded to the student within 30 days of the dismissal.
        iii. If the student owes CAC tuition or other fees, the Accountant will oversee the collection of the amount owing.

H. All documents involved in the resolution/dismissal process will be retained and may be made available to the student or his/her representatives, PTIB and legal authorities.

I. Copies of investigation outcome letters may also be sent to a parent/guardian upon request if the student is under 19 years of age.

J. A student cannot appeal a warning or a suspension.

K. If a student wishes to appeal a dismissal, the student may do so by submitting a written ‘Dismissal Appeal Request’ to the President of the college.

L. The president of the college will reach out to the student within 30 days and may at his/her discretion only reopen an investigation that resulted in a dismissal.

M. If a student continuously no show to the CAC in 90 days without vacation requested, the student will be automatically dismissed. And this dismissal is final. If the student requires to re-attend the program, he/she must re-apply.

We acknowledge with respect and gratitude that the City of Pitt Meadows is located on the traditional, unceded territory of q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation who were stewards of this land since time immemorial. 

72 - 18300 Ford Road,

Pitt Meadows - BC

V3Y 0C6


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Administrative Hours:

Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 6:00PM

Operation Hours (summer):

Mon - Sun 6:00AM - 10:00PM

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